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Have you encountered spirit or an angel?

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Have you encountered spirit or an angel?  Empty Have you encountered spirit or an angel?

Post by Rose Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:00 am

I once had an encounter with what i believe to be an earth angel... it was a chance encounter...

I was in ARU university in cambridge. Just from where the university is situated, there's a road that's fairly busy and a crossing adjacent to the entrance of Parkers Peace a lovely big green, which you can walk into and around.... I was standing at the curbside trying to cross the road, when a very old and wise gentleman comes up with his shopping bags at the double, and links arms with mine. He was very trusting this gent, as though he knew I was going to help him across the road, but at the time, I realized, I couldn't help him so I offered his arm to my ex who was also walking a blind person across the road.....

...this man reminded me afterwards of an angel visiting earth, it really changed my life in relation to the lesson of trust and trust thats' already there from the start - the linking of the arms-- I knew I had to return home then as I needed out of the old relationship.

Posts : 99
Join date : 2024-09-06
Age : 38
Location : UK

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